Bob Davis 真的是做足了功课的,这篇发于G20前夕的文章详细的描述了中美几次贸易谈判的细节。暂时还没有中文版,如果有空我觉得要翻译一下。
Since the 1980s, China has counted on U.S. corporate leaders to push back against pressure from Washington. Lobbying by executives helped limit sanctions after the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989 and to win support for China’s WTO entry.
One of Mr. Xi’s advisers, 70-year-old Wang Qishan, China’s vice president, considers himself an expert on the West. In the 1990s, when he was head of the state-owned China Construction Bank , he worked with Mr. Paulson. He tells visitors about his love of Mark Twain and Jack London novels and the Netflix drama “House of Cards.”
When he met with U.S. executives in Beijing early this year, he cited ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu: “If you know the enemy and yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.” China understood the U.S. better than the other way around, Mr. Wang told them, and would be willing to endure far more pain rather than concede.
在布宜诺斯艾利斯出席二十国集团(Group of 20)峰会期间,美国总统特朗普(Donald Trump)和中国国家主席习近平周末举行了工作晚宴,之后,美国宣布推迟将针对2,000亿美元中国商品的关税从10%上调至25%的计划。但美国为双方磋商几个问题设定了约三个月的期限,而过去的谈判证明,这些问题非常棘手。