



在两党议员不断的批评声中,美国人对中国的态度正在发生变化。周三公布的一项由罗纳德-里根基金会暨研究所(Ronald Reagan Foundation and Institute)赞助的调查显示,超过三分之一的美国人认为中国对美国构成最大威胁。而2018年时这一比例为21%。


由Beacon Research和Shaw and Company Research进行的这项调查还发现,28%的美国人认为美国应该将军事资源优先向亚洲倾斜,而认为美国应将军事资源优先用于中东地区的美国人比例为21%,排在第二位。

Source: 美中高层官员下周将在阿拉斯加会晤探讨诸多问题 – 华尔街日报

WHO Investigators to Scrap Plans for Interim Report on Probe of Covid-19 Origins


According to an advance copy of the open letter, the group of 26 scientists and other experts in areas including virology, zoology and microbiology said that it was “all but impossible” for the WHO team to conduct a full investigation, and that any report was likely to involve political compromises as it had to be approved by the Chinese side.

A credible investigation required, among other things, confidential interviews and fuller access to hospital records of confirmed and potential Chinese coronavirus cases in late 2019, when the outbreak was first identified in Wuhan, said the letter signed by experts from France, the U.S., India, Australia and other countries.

Investigators should also be allowed to view records including maintenance, personnel, animal breeding and experiment logs from all laboratories working with coronaviruses, the letter said.

“We cannot afford an investigation into the origins of the pandemic that is anything less than absolutely thorough and credible,” the letter said. “Efforts to date do not constitute a thorough, credible, and transparent investigation.”

The appeal is unlikely to gain traction, as any future probes would require Beijing’s cooperation. Moreover, many leading infectious-disease experts are skeptical that a lab accident could plausibly explain the origins of the pandemic.

Still, it expresses what has become a more widely shared dissatisfaction, voiced by the U.S. and U.K. governments and many scientists world-wide, that China has provided too little information and data to the WHO to guide researchers trying to determine where the virus originated and how it jumped to humans.

Source: WHO Investigators to Scrap Plans for Interim Report on Probe of Covid-19 Origins – WSJ



杜克-新加坡国立大学医学院(Duke-NUS Medical School)新发突发传染病教授、其中一项蝙蝠研究的资深作者王林发表示,科学家现在应该积极在马蹄蝠栖息的地方寻找新冠病毒源头。他表示,这些携带冠状病毒的蝙蝠分布在亚洲、中东、非洲和欧洲的热带和温带地区。他还称:“我相信新冠病毒的元祖病毒来自蝙蝠。”

一些美国官员和科学家表示,不能排除病毒因实验室事故而开始传播的可能性。武汉病毒研究所(Wuhan Institute of Virology)拥有一个高度安全的实验室设施,用于开展蝙蝠冠状病毒的研究。该研究所否认在新冠疫情开始前储存或进行过有关新冠病毒的研究,并表示其保持着最高安全标准,没有任何一位所内工作人员被检测出新冠病毒呈阳性。

但一些科学家和美国官员希望该研究所分享其对自然进化的病毒和“功能获得性”实验的所有研究的安全记录和原始数据。通过这种实验,科学家们对病毒进行基因改造,以观察这些变化是否会增强病毒的感染或传播能力。去年1月份,特朗普(Donald Trump)政府在没有拿出证据的情况下指称,该研究所自2017年以来一直在为中国军方进行秘密研究。中国政府表示这种说法“罔顾事实、违背科学”。

Source: 新冠病毒溯源研究发现表明病毒是自然进化而来的新线索 – 华尔街日报






Source: 郭树清:房地产的核心问题还是泡沫较大_金融频道_财新网




“有明确的证据显示这种病毒同时在该市场以外的其他地方传播,”WHO专家组的丹麦流行病学家Thea Fischer在武汉向记者们表示。“看起来该市场不太可能是这场疫情的源头。”

Ben Embarek在2月份接受CNN采访时表示,零号病人是一位40多岁的白领,任职于一家民营公司,在发病前一段时间并无外出旅行史。“他的日常生活方式很正常,某种程度上来说非常乏味,没有什么深山徒步之类的。”Ben Embarek说。


Source: 新冠溯源继续:“零号病人”指向武汉另一个农贸市场 – 华尔街日报



据知情人士透露,拜登(Joe Biden)政府计划不顾美国企业界的反对,让特朗普(Donald Trump)时期旨在对抗中国技术威胁的全面规定于本月生效。




Source: 美国将实施旨在对抗中国技术威胁的全面规定 – 华尔街日报

冒充原薄姓领导亲属 黑龙江三人行骗被抓






Source: 冒充原薄姓领导亲属 黑龙江三人行骗被抓_政经频道_财新网

China’s Reckless Labs Put the World at Risk

Beijing has a moral and legal obligation to take biosafety seriously, especially given the kind of research going on at WIV. In 2015, WIV’s Dr. Shi Zhengli co-wrote an article titled “A SARS-like Cluster of Circulating Bat Coronaviruses Shows Potential for Human Emergence” in which she admitted that her team had engineered “chimeric” and “hybrid” viruses from horseshoe bats. In a 2019 article titled “Bat Coronavirus in China,” Ms. Shi and her co-authors warned, “It is highly likely that future SARS- or MERS-like coronavirus outbreaks will originate from bats, and there is an increased probability that this will occur in China.” At the time, WIV housed tens of thousands of bat virus samples and experiment animals.

China resisted international monitoring at WIV. The lab was built with French assistance, but China abrogated its promise to allow French scientists to participate in essential research there. China then accredited WIV through its own agency as its only level 4 facility, and the country’s National Health Commission quickly approved it to handle some of the world’s most dangerous viruses. The Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology completed a comprehensive safety and management survey of China’s 75 bioresearch labs in 2016, finding that WIV didn’t even make the top 20 in terms of quality.

The People’s Liberation Army, or PLA, has admitted to developing bioweapons. In 2011 China informed the International Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention Review Conference that its military experts were working on the “creation of man-made pathogens,” “genomics laying the foundation for pathogen transformation,” “population-specific genetic markers,” and “targeted drug-delivery technology making it easier to spread pathogens.” A 2015 PLA study treated the 2003 SARS coronavirus outbreak as a “contemporary genetic weapon” launched by foreign forces. And in January 2021, the State Department confirmed that people had fallen mysteriously ill at WIV in fall 2019, and that WIV conducts secret bioweapons research with the PLA.

The negligence at China’s biolabs, especially WIV, was so dangerous that the PLA dispatched a general to take over the facility soon after the outbreak in Wuhan. Xi Jinping’s first speech on the outbreak highlighted “lessons learned” about “shortcomings” and “leaking holes” in China’s management of biological material and biological-security system. He demanded that “a new biological-security law” be made part of the “national-security system.”

Source: China’s Reckless Labs Put the World at Risk – WSJ