U.S. and China Agree to Roll Back Some Tariffs if Deal Is Struck


“President Trump’s tariffs are the centerpiece of his confrontation with the Chinese Communist Party — and they have worked brilliantly, forcing the Chinese to the table,” said Stephen K. Bannon, the president’s former chief strategist. “Now, China is trying to re-trade the president and remove the tariffs.”

Just hours after American officials confirmed that they would cut existing tariffs in the event of a deal, some of Mr. Trump’s other advisers pushed back.

“There is no agreement at this time to remove any of the existing tariffs as a condition of the phase one deal,” Peter Navarro, a White House trade adviser, said during an interview on Fox Business Network. “The only person who can make that decision is President Donald J. Trump and it’s as simple as that.”

Source: U.S. and China Agree to Roll Back Some Tariffs if Deal Is Struck – The New York Times

China Claims Tariffs Will Go, but Others Express Doubts


One U.S. official concurred that the two sides are planning to roll back tariffs as part of an initial trade pact—which would indicate that reports earlier this week that such a rollback was under consideration had progressed.

But two other people familiar with the administration’s thinking disputed that a formal rollback plan had been agreed on.

“There are no plans to roll back any tariffs in exchange for phase one,” said one of the people. Chinese officials are “trying to renegotiate the deal to their advantage.”

Michael Pillsbury, a Hudson Institute expert who advises the Trump administration, said he believed the statement from China’s Commerce Ministry “may represent wishful thinking on the Chinese side more than a specific agreement.”

Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon said China has mounted a “sophisticated influence operation” to make tariff rollbacks part of any deal.

Source: China Claims Tariffs Will Go, but Others Express Doubts – WSJ

美专家呼吁取消对华加税以止损 白宫称中美签约地点未定





对于美方是否可能满足中方的诉求?华盛顿智库彼得森国际经济研究所客座研究员、美国雪城大学(Syracuse University)经济学教授洛夫利(Mary Lovely)11月6日在一场活动上表示,美国有足够的理由推迟或取消9月1日和12月15日生效的关税,因为这不仅是满足中方诉求,美国也须停止自损。



Source: 美专家呼吁取消对华加税以止损 白宫称中美签约地点未定_世界频道_财新网





为了结束这场已令两国间出口每年损失数十亿美元的贸易战,美中两国原则上已就美国总统特朗普(Donald Trump)所称的首阶段协议达成一致。



英国《金融时报》(Financial Times)早些时候报道称,特朗普政府官员正在考虑取消9月1日开始征收的针对约1,110亿美元中国进口商品的15%关税。



Source: 美中考虑在第一阶段贸易协议中取消部分关税措施 – 华尔街日报




您的创始人赫尔曼·卡恩(Herman Kahn)是一位非凡的学者,他的挑衅性见解挑战了传统智慧,并帮助塑造了我们国家和世界的命运。迈克·蓬佩奥(Mike Pompeo)也不惧怕面对现状,在解决棘手的问题方面毫不畏惧。国务卿蓬佩奥在公共和军事服务领域有着非凡的背景,在私营部门也取得了成功,他正迎接当今时代的巨大挑战,而且,他当然是博学家。在西点校区,您总能做到第一。作为骑兵军官,他在铁幕时期服役,而赫尔曼·卡恩(Herman Kahn)彼时则努力地工作,以摧毁铁幕。从参军开始,国务卿蓬佩奥就去了哈佛,后来创立了Thayer航空航天公司并担任Sentry International的总裁,然后从堪萨斯州选举为国会议员。毫无疑问,他在众议院任职期间和担任CIA局长期间,对他担任美国第70届国务卿的工作非常有益。


毫无疑问,迈克·蓬佩奥(Mike Pompeo)的坚强信念塑造了自己的观点,他当然也有助于激发其为全世界宗教自由所做的工作,还推动了他致力于保护每个人类灵魂的尊严。


就像迈克·蓬佩奥(Mike Pompeo)在他杰出的生活中所取得的成就一样,我相信他还有很多事情要完成。作为国务卿,他们离任后通常会做得更好。(众笑)我还没有…如果他想决定写一本书,实际上我知道一家不错的出版社。(笑声。)





Continue reading “中国挑战”

The China Challenge



Look, we have a long-cherished tradition of friendship with the Chinese people. We continue to do so today. We have a Chinese American community here in America that we love and treasure. I’ve known them through business and personal ties; I’ve known many of them.

But I must say that the communist government in China today is not the same as the people of China. They’re reaching for and using methods that have created challenges for the United States and for the world.

And we collectively, all of us, need to confront these challenges from the PRC head-on, and along each of the many facets.

There are many opportunities, to be sure, but it is no longer realistic to ignore the fundamental differences between our two systems and the impact, the impact that those two systems have, the differences in those systems have on American national security.

This is a departure, for sure. It might be viewed as unconventional. It’s not what you’ve heard from leaders for the last two decades plus. Frankly, we’ve been slow to see the risk of China – the risk that it poses to American national security, because we wanted friendship with the People’s Republic from the very start. And because we, as Americans, always continue to hope for that.

But frankly, in our efforts to achieve this goal, we accommodated and encouraged China’s rise for decades, even when – even when that rise was at the expense of American values, Western democracy, and security, and good common sense.

Source: The China Challenge – United States Department of State



国总统特朗普(Donald Trump)表示,中国和美国正在挑选一个新地点,以签署双方更广泛贸易协议中的第一阶段协议。

特朗普原期望在11月于智利举行的亚太经济合作组织(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, 简称APEC)峰会签署该协议。但智利总统皮涅拉(Sebastian Piñera)周三宣布,由于该国首都圣地亚哥的抗议活动不断扩大,已取消举行APEC峰会。


Source: 特朗普称美中正在寻找签署第一阶段贸易协议的新地点 – 华尔街日报